October 17, 2024, 8:13 pm

Your Ultimate Daylight Savings in Queensland Pros and Cons List

The occasional debate about Daylight Savings in Queensland started up again recently, with another call for a referendum on one of the biggest debates in Queensland, quickly shut down by the politicians who aren’t interested in an expensive vote that isn’t about them. Or Antony Green.

Daylight Savings in Queensland always produces passionate debate, and since we love a good story and argument we thought we’d search as much internet as we could, and listened to as much talkback radio as we could stand to bring the best of either side.

We’re not taking sides, just bringing you the best of the thoughts, arguments and conspiracy theories.

The Ultimate Daylight Savings in Queensland Pros and Cons List is here.


Pro Daylight Savings in Queensland

Here are the best of the reasons to have daylight savings.

The Sun won’t be up at 4:15 in the height of summer, hurting chances of a decent sleep in before the humidity kicks in. If it leaves. Also the early sun is encouraging the second most annoying sound of summer – cackling crows in the trees outside your bedroom. Of course the most annoying sound of summer is Michael Slater.

We won’t be behind NSW and Victoria for half a year, and remain ahead of South Australia.

The difficult task of trying to work out when a sporting event is would be removed with just one time zone.

The “extra hour of sunlight” occurs after you have finished work for the day, making you more likely to actually do something with it. Unlike the “extra hour of sunlight” in the morning where you can’t do much, except for the most anti social of people on earth – early morning golfers.

Shaun the Sheep finishes at 6:30 on ABC Kids Queensland time not 7:30 without Daylight Savings in Queensland.

A plane could land at the Gold Coast airport in the one time zone.

Sales in Hawaaiian shirts would dramatically increase.

An afternoon beer after work is more justified if it is in sunlight.

Stumbling out of a nightclub in the early hours of a summer would not be so bad if it were still dark at 4:30am.


Anti Daylight Savings in Queensland

Here’s the best of the arguments to stay as is, and remain an hour behind in summer.

Kids won’t eat dinner or sleep.

Curtains fade due to extra hour of daylight.

Cows won’t get used to change in schedule for milking.

We will be on the same time as NSW and Victoria.

It affects businesses around Coolangatta.

One person on ABC radio argued that it would stuff up all the bus timetables. And given how bad QR are at doing a timetable, we wouldn’t want to make it worse.

It means that we get the southern states horse racing an early hour than in winter, giving those who like to get an early punt in during the midweek a chance to do it over lunchtime. And afternoon/evening sports comes on an extra hour early.

It is just a snobby city based luxury and first world problem.

We’d possibly have to split the state in two. Although depending on your viewpoint of the rest of the state outside SEQ that might not be a bad thing.

To annoy the Chamber of Commerce types who come out and say that not having Daylight Savings in Queensland costs business 178 Billion or some other unbelievable and hard to prove amount.

Because it is so hard to change a clock once a year. Even though most people use phones for their clocks which does it automatically.

Like a mild case of jetlag, our bodies never fully recover from the impact of moving an hour back and forth six months apart.

Bakers will have to get up an hour early. 

A referendum would cost a lot of money, and our politicians aren’t paid to make decisions.

No one wants to eat meals when it’s hot, but eting later leads to weight gain, so the Queensland government may face class action legal cases about obesity in Queensland.




Matt Finish Juan Lynaghhttps://www.thegurgler.com
Matt Finish & Juan Lynagh are conjoined twins of unusually low birth. Having been raised in squalid burbian filth befitting of their strikingly poor DNA, Matt & Juan have decided to join as outcasts-in-arms for The Burglar. They plan to rob you of your spare time. And it’s an exciting prospect too; Matt has a welcoming penchant for verb and adjective and Juan has a singular, no-nonsense nous for noun. Yet as is the duality that is questionably found in all things, Matt Finish isn’t one to shine away from the gloss. Likewise Juan Lynagh dreams of regular stand-up gigs, perhaps in the laconic mould of one, Elliott Goblet. Sadly, he’ll never make it. No one goes into the Gobletsphere and gets out alive. Now it’s painfully obvious that Matt & Juan count many chickens, but what do these lads really like to bantam about? Well it’s a crazy, mixed-up town and it’s the proverbial rattlesnake they fear. No, not really, dear reader. To the mentally disturbed, the wanton harbingers of our shared malady reside in our collective unconscious and this is what our kindly gents put their conjoined ears to. Unfortunately their purportedly ultra-low IQ would normally prevent them from sharing anything piercing. But Matt and Juan believe that 77 + 83 = 165 and therefore their two minds together can approximate that of Shakespeare, Pilkington or even Stefanovic. The father of modern physics, Sir Bert Newton would be rolling in his grave. Someone probably famous once said that talent is hitting targets that nobody else can hit and genius is hitting targets nobody else can see. This is awfully, awfully convenient. In the vein of the grandiose and self-righteous, if you don’t like what Matt & Juan are laying down, they will rest the limitations squarely on your own failed perception. One thing is for sure, their pointless drivel will serve to highlight that the internet is not necessarily a good thing. Luckily, readership will be so low that the damage to society may indeed be negligible. Our advice is to appreciate what little time you have left. And leave now, or forever be drawn into the inane. A desolate place we at the Gurgler like to refer to as... the Steve Kinane.

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