February 4, 2025, 5:01 am

Australian Election 2022 | Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls

The 2022 Australian Election circus is now is full swing, and with no clear winner emerging at this point in the campaign it is time for the Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls to give a little insight in how the election result might end up.

With polls in recent elections in Australia and the world getting it so wrong, you may ask what makes the Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls any different. Especially since The Gurgler website is amateur at best.

Well, we’re glad you asked. And even if you didn’t.

Our Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls features voting categories that most main stream or biased media outlets simply ignore because it’s either too hard or they don’t care or could possibly throw up a result that does not compute with the overlord in charge.

The Gurgler cares about all people, and all opinions. Which is why we have the greatest cross section of any Australian Federal Election polling anywhere on the internet in Australia.

So enjoy our exclusive Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls


Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls


We take all of our various voting demographics, and there are a lot of them with wide and varying results, and average out all the results to end up with our official Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Poll result.

Where did we get the voting from you may ask. Some are real results we found in our internet searching like the one from the Warwick Daily News, most others were through our extensive and thorough Federal Election 2022 Research Team. 

So below is the full list of polls and the overall winner of our Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls.



Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls - By Category v2



And so it is the ALP by a nose from the LNP with a wide range of differing opinions and vaccination rate making up nearly half of the poll.

Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls - Total


Graph readjusted for News Ltd media.

Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls - Total Sky News


Gurgler Unofficial Federal Election 2022 Opinion Polls Analysis

Ultimately, our Opinion Poll suggests that it is closer than you would think, and that both of the major parties are on the nose, and likely to be as bad as each other. Which probably leads one to the point of debating the point of voting at all.

The Warwick Daily News poll is actually one we found on the internet. As per the screenshot below from the time we saw the image. So if Scomo head into the Warwick RSL or the Sovereign Hotel, he may have to do a bit of searching for someone to buy him a Pot of Gold.

Other voting intentions are from our Top Secret Research team and can’t divulge any details. But you can probably guess that they are all fake. If not, we hope you make the right choice this election.

The analysis is that hard working battlers like Trolley Collectors and Angry Men at Pubs are leaning towards the ALP. People with mainly money concerns or Sky News / News Ltd subscriptions lean towards the LNP. Both as expected.

Further down the food chain people who believe social media are likely to be involved with the minor parties, and possibly more likely to be a nutbag.

Except for Instagram Influencers who would vote for themselves if they were able to.

Please note: that the News Ltd editor who voted for the ALP has already been identified and fired.






Gerry Manderhttps://www.thegurgler.com
With a keen eye on all things news and especially politics after years of serving under Antony Green, Gerry has joined the Gurgler team to give his insights into all election matters. He especially likes the use of the phrase "on the hustings".

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