March 11, 2025, 12:24 pm

EVERYDAY NEWS – The Rage Quitter

A Brisbane man has found a new hobby – ‘rage quitting’ Facebook groups.

Adam likes to join deliberately offensive Facebook groups, posts the vilest thing he can think of, then – when the inevitable criticism comes in – delete the post and leave the group before he gets caught.

Though rather than being a troublemaker, Adam says he loves the rush of ‘rage quitting’ and has ‘rage quit’ five Facebook groups in the past month.

“I don’t know what it is, but the thrill I get from throwing my toys out of the cot and quitting a group on purpose is fun. If I’m feeling really snarky, I’ll add a comment like ‘I’m sick of this group and the negative feedback. Goodbye!’ Which sets people off even more.”

Though it seems like the fun could be ending, with Adam given an official warning by the Facebook admin team and he faces a 30-day ban if he ‘rage quits’ again.

“I thought I was keeping ahead of the Zuccbots, but I guess I couldn’t run forever. I actually like Facebook, so I might ease off for a bit as I don’t want to go anywhere else. Twitter is a cesspool, Instagram is boring, and TikTok is full of narcissists. Maybe I’ll just join a drama-filled Simpsons meme group and stir the pot there, but not too much this time.”

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