February 4, 2025, 5:03 am

EVERYDAY NEWS – The ‘Soft’ Metal Band

A veteran goregrind band has been accused of ‘going soft’.

Satan’s Autopsy – who formed in 1990 – have released their new album “The Dissection of Christ” and one long-term fan isn’t happy.

Peter Walker wrote a scathing review on the band’s Facebook page.

“I’ve been a loyal fan of Satan’s Autopsy since 1990 – I remember seeing them at dingy little clubs with a handful of people, before their first EP came out. But I’m afraid “Dissection” is the last Satan’s Autopsy album I’ll bother listening to. It’s clear the band’s gone ‘soft’ and ‘woke’ by the vocals alone. I was horrified when I could actually understand the lyrics! REAL goregrind lyrics should be impossible to understand because the vocals are so f****d up that it comes out as garble and squealing. They may as well be singing pop songs now. It’s been a great run with Autopsy, but I’m gonna find decent goregrind bands who are still brutal and make me wanna destroy everyone in the pit!”

The band’s vocalist – Chris Howard – replied to the post.

“I’m sorry that my vocals are ‘too soft’ and ‘woke’ for you. I’m surprised you found time to listen to us inbetween crying about your deads***t existence in your mother’s basement (wait, she lives with you I bet?) and doing whatever creepy and gross stuff to your body pillows. “Dissection” has been well received by most of our loyal fans and nobody else has noticed the ‘soft’ vocals that seemed to have upset you so much. Infact, I’ve been working on my vocals so they’re as f***d up as ever! Good luck finding a new band while we slay clubs infront of the wonderful fans who’ve stuck by us. Good riddance.”

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