February 4, 2025, 1:55 am

EVERYDAY NEWS – The ‘Wannabee’ Social Media Influencer

A ‘wannabee’ social media influencer has nearly ruined a New Years family holiday.

The Dundridge family (father Terry, wife Naomi, and 20-year-old son Toby) spent a week on the Gold Coast after Christmas, with their special guest causing issues.

“Tobes has been dating this girl Sara-Lee [also 20] since November, and he wanted to bring her along as she was away over Christmas,” said Terry. “We’ve met her a couple of times and she seemed nice, so I said she could come. Big mistake.”

Sara-Lee, who called herself a ‘social media influencer’, spent the whole trip making videos for her followers on X (Twitter), Instagram, and Tik Tok.

”She’d bloody filmed EVERYWHERE! At the shops, during meals, on the beach, she’d even flim herself putting on makeup in the bathroom. And she spoke in this annoying American accent in these videos. I like scrolling Facebook and sometimes watching the footy and cricket on my phone, but this was ridiculous!” said Terry. “There was one warm arvo we had a stroll on the beach. We were all in sandals, t-shirts, and shorts. But she was in this long – and probably expensive – green dress and was filming the whole time. I told her it was too hot for that dress, but she insisted she wore it for ‘brand awareness.’ Whatever that means.”

But the final straw came at a family dinner.

”We went to a nice little RSL near our hotel. But she started complaining the minute we got there. She said it was ‘gross’ and ‘povvo’ and she refused to eat because her followers would think less of her if she ate the ‘garbage poor people’ food!” said Terry.

”I finally snapped and told her she should piss off if she hated it so much. I accused her of ruining our trip and she and Tobes stormed off. We stayed to enjoy their lovely chicken parmas, and Nomes said I did the right thing, but I still felt bad – nor for her, but for Tobes. He’s a good kid and deserves better.”

Though it turned out to be a good thing.

”We got home and poor Tobes was there by himself. They had a big barney and he booted her,” said Naomi.

”Dad was right to yell at her. Turns out she’s been dating another guy from her gym. And they’re gonna start a ‘fitspo’ TikTok channel together,” said Toby. “It’s a relief; she was constantly on her phone and it was doing my head in. She’d watch bloody TikTok videos for an hour before bed and I’d never get any sleep. I should have called it off ages ago.”

The good news is the Dundridge family enjoyed a peaceful holiday with just the three of them, with phone use kept to a minimum.

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