March 14, 2025, 9:57 pm

EVERYDAY NEWS – Video Game Nostalgia

A 40-year old man has reunited with his first video game love.

James was roaming a local garage sale on Saturday morning when he saw something he had to buy: an original Game Boy.

“It was in beautiful condition. He was nice enough to throw in a few games and a large pack of batteries for $100 all up. Absolute steal!” said James.

Those games were Tetris, Lemmings, Batman (the licensed game of the 1989 movie), and Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Luckily, James didn’t have to share his new toy with his kids, as they were unimpressed with the outdated technology.

“I turned it on and put in Tetris. They were horrified by the classic grey and green graphics and went back to playing the PlayStation. Their loss.”

While James ripped through Batman and 6 Golden Coins by Saturday night, he spent the rest of the weekend alternating between Tetris and Lemmings.

“The misso even played a bit of Tetris while I dropped the kids off at their basketball game on Sunday. See, fun for the whole family.

“I have fond memories of my first Game Boy. Mum said I could get one if I worked for it, so I spent most of the 1990/91 summer holidays doing errands around the neighbourhood until I could afford it. Then came that glorious mid-January day in 1991 when I walked into Big W with my envelope of cash and got my Game Boy with Tetris built in. Mum let me buy another game, so I got Super Mario Land, because a Mario game on the Game Boy was a big deal back then.”

James spent Sunday night online, searching for any second-hand Game Boy games he could buy.

“Who needs fancy-pants consoles and their ‘realistic’ graphics? The Game Boy will live forever!”

Everyday News is a brand new general news/parody section of The Gurgler, and definitely not a lame rip-off of The Betoota Advocate. We swear.

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