March 15, 2025, 3:06 am

EVERYDAY NEWS – Friday the 13th Proves Unremarkable

A Brisbane man is relieved after Friday the 13th of May passed without incident.

Peter is saddled with the irrational fear of the number 13, also known as Triskaidekaphobia, so Friday the 13th always has him on edge.

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Even though nothing bad has ever happened to him on the infamous date, Peter still wasn’t taking any chances: taking the day off work, not leaving the house, and avoiding social media and TV news at all costs.

”I know it’s stupid, but 13 has always made me uneasy. I think it started as a kid when I was dropped from the Queensland under 12’s rep team on the 13th of December. That was a pretty crappy Christmas that year,” said Peter. “On the plus side, all the free time I had yesterday meant I got through two of the novels I got for Christmas and caught up on some housework. Even so, I was counting down until midnight, only then did the weird, uneasy feeling go away.”

The day went so well that Peter is planning to make every 13th day of the month a holiday, “No work, no phone, no Ipad, no TV, no sport, nothing that can tempt fate. I’m gonna get so much stuff done thanks to my irrational fear of a number.”

Everyday News is a brand new general news/parody section of The Gurgler, and definitely not a lame rip-off of ‘The Betoota Advocate’. We swear.


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