March 12, 2025, 3:44 am

Pissweak Photoshop Club Presents……Cameron Smith New Team

Much, and one would argue way too much, has been made about Cameron Smith this off season. Will he retire? If he plays on where will he play? Does anyone outside of the Smith and Facebook blogging headline grabbers really care? Well we think we have the real answers to those questions with our first Pissweak Photoshop Club Presents……Cameron Smith New Team.

We have been secretly going through Smith’s rubbish, breaking into his What’s App, and have hired multiple private investigators, some of them even for this Cameron Smith thing, and believe we have the inside scoop on the Cameron Smith New Team Mystery.

But we could get serious and miserable like so many News Ltd journalists, and in the case of a certain Buzz – News Ltd turd factory – but we thought we’d unveil our Pissweak Photoshop Club who do such fine work for our Jerk of the Month images to show an illustrated range of options for the former Melbourne Storm captain.


Cameron Smith New Team 1 – Return of the Daikyo Dolphins

Didn’t know Cam Smith was a keen baseballer, neither did we until we saw his Whats App chats with Dave Nillsson and their joint love of the Milwaukee Brewers.

Well such is Smith’s popularity on the Gold Coast and his pull in Australian Sport, he is able to resurrect the Gold Coast based Daikyo Dolphins into the new Australian Baseball League.

Never heard of the Daikyo Dolphins and their brief dominance of the ABL back in the day? We explain it all here



Cameron Smith New Team 2 – Meter Maids

Nothing says Gold Coast like Meter Maids and Warwick Capper, so when Gold Coast and Meter Maids (and to a lesser degree Warwick Capper) are mentioned, Cameron Smith’s name should also be mentioned.

We all know he’s been keeping fit in the off season, but it hasn’t been for the NRL, but for a sunny stroll down around the Gold Coast. Swapping great footballing stories with Capper to the delights of locals, and bemusement of the few tourists.



Cameron Smith New Team 3 – Superman at Movie World

Since Smith would be used to super heroes through the NRL’s awful Marvel Superheroes grab for cash, we mean jersey selling special round, it would be a tight fit for Smith to find himself as Superman at the Gold Coast’s Movie World.


Cameron Smith New Team 4 – Ripley’s Believe It Or Not

We presume Ripley’s Believe It Or Not is still open, with hopes the pandemic didn’t destroy a Gold Coast icon.

This icon also allows a cross promote with a footballing icon – Cameron Smith.

The Gold Coast’s self-titled odditorium will dedicate an entire wing to the former Storm and Maroons captain. With an interactive play area where you can try and recreate his infamous conversion despite falling over.


Cameron Smith New Team 5 – The New Face of Mini Golf

With the tremendous Holey Moley killing it on prime time TV, Cameron Smith has decided he wants a piece of that pie too.

Move over Greg Norman, clothes or no clothes, as Cameron Smith is the new face of mini golf.

Literally supplying an image of his face for the giant golf ball on the Gold Coast Hwy.

Passing motorists will find it hard to resist a quick 18 after the beaming Smith smile almost demands they come in and play a round.


Cameron Smith New Team 6 – Face of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games

After all this, Cameron Smith might end up at the Broncos, guiding them to a second consecutive wooden spoon, so the Pissweak Photoshop Club has made sure a Brisbane base is covered.

With the Sunshine State capital looking to host the next Olympics that will actually happen in 2032, Cameron Smith has apparently put his hand / head up to revive the old Matilda mascot that was (and remains) such a hit from the 1982 Commonwealth Games in Brisbane.

Although, he’ll have to work on that infamous wink.


Kaaps Loche
Kaaps doesn’t sleep much, and has a 60inch full HD TV and Foxtel, therefore watches more television than most. is also very strange and has a slightly different outlook on life, so comes up with a lot of rubbish that he thinks is funny and usually isn’t. Out of sympathy, we publish his stuff from time to time. So prepare your sympathy laughs and put that lovely drawing on the fridge for Kaaps.

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