March 13, 2025, 2:58 am

NOMINATIONS | 2019 Jerk of the Year

With 2020 finally here, and 2019 done and dusted, we feel the only way to sign off from the previous batch of 365 is to determine once and for all who was the 2019 Jerk of the Year.

The Jerk of the Month awards have been very popular, with many readers voting for the jerk most deserving, and now the annual “prize” needs to be decided.

As ever it is a strong field. Some old favourites ca’t seem to help themselves and are nominated yet again.

There’s some that go over and above being a jerk that they must be included, as they just can’t help themselves.

And new faces keep the 2019 Jerk of the Year poll fresh.

It is now down to you, the loyal reader to decide who should be the 2019 Jerk of the Year. Voting is below, and you can vote for as many people as you want per device.


2019 Jerk of the Year Voting

Vote early, vote often. Vote now.




2019 Jerk of the Year Form Guide

Here’s you jerk by jerk rundown on the why all of these people were nominated.


Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Big year of jerkdom for the sportsman.

In November Folau joined the bandwagon of short sighted buffoons who were throwing blame at the flames, even before they were put out.

There were some interesting theories to who was to blame for the bushfires, but Is-he-real Folau’s linking the Gay Marriage vote to bushfires is the most “interesting”. And certainly the hardest to prove.

In June Folau is quickly made himself the most hated sporting star in Australia, although sporting star is a loose term as he was sacked by his sport and was only playing rugby union anyway.

His campaign to raise $3M via GoFundMe to pay for legal costs after his sacking, has taken away any shred of compassion or likability, and he is now faced with only a few of sport’s dirtiest paths to make his money. French rugby, Chinese Soccer, FIFA board member.

He finally got some (undisclosed) money out of Rugby bosses, showing that it was mainly about the money than beliefs. 

Although, there is still room in his schedule to start a Creflo A Dollar style early morning TV preaching show.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 8/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

A fine year of Jerk work from the US President, plenty of nominations, but no monthly wins. He is good at winning the big count counts though….

December saw President Trump staring down the barrel of Impeachment, which he took with his customary style and grace.

September – Trump’s insistence in trying to prove himself correct after incorrectly advising of the wrong state they were in danger of the recent hurricane Dorian by hand drawing a new Hurricane forecast onto a map is down right jerk.

August saw a tantrum because he couldn’t buy Greenland.

Ordering companies to dump China due to Trade issues.

Announces  “I am the chosen one” which is always a great look.

Got stuck into the Jewish Community.

Suggested he should “give myself a Medal of Honor.” speaking to actual Veterans.

His Rocky poster was pretty bad.

In April one could name about everything, every day for the POTUS, however his best effort and reason for nomination for April 2019 Jerk of the Month is for the Flying Water Tankers tweet. Showing insensitively and ignorance in equal measure.

February after ending the US Shutdown by making a deal with the Democrats that made him look weak, he rebounded with declaring an emergency to get his money.

Much like he kid who has thrown the toys out of the pram when they don’t get what they want. 

There of course is so much more, and we have way too many other jerks to get through. 

Plenty of other websites specialize in this, and here is one of them.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 10/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Squawking away on one of the lowest forms of communication on earth – talkback commercial AM radio – in general he is a bit of a jerk, and a surprise he hasn’t been forwarded until now.

In August he decided to have a go at the New Zealand Prime Minister, who is one of the more respected world leaders. 

We could also nominate him for his awful suits, which look like the kind that people go searching through four Op Shops, just to get the right colour for the 70’s themed raceday.

Or his awful show on Sky News. Although, perhaps we should nominate the entire Sky News channel.

Or his awful Election night smugness.

Or for that terrible 90 second opinion bit he used to do on the Today Show. Sadly, Sky Channel has turned that 90 seconds into 24 hours.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 7/10




Why nominated for the Jerk?

With Fraser Anning’s unsuccessful attempt to get re-elected into the senate for Queensland, this should be the last time he will be up for a Jerk of the Year nomination.

At least he and his supporters went down with some nice sour grapes – claiming shenangians at the AEC counting. 

His new Conservative party actually got 28,681 votes, which is 28,662 more than Anning got personally at the last election.

Despite that new found support, the party finished behind the big two parties, One Nation, Clive Palmer and Bob Katter’s parties, Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party, and Animal Justice Party.

Going for two in a row after securing a Jerk of the Month award for March 2019.

His “best” work was at one of his rallies where a supporter allegedly attacked a photographer and harassed a reporter.

Interestingly he started his own Senate party for this election. That required 550 signatures

Less so for his comments after the Christchurch shooting, and the handling of Eggboy, and more so for his parading himself around the country like he is a man of the people.

This Jerk was only in Canberra because he was the third ranked One Nation senate candidate, an a quirk in how senate voting works along party lines. Not because of the people.

The 19 people that personally gave him a vote at the last election.

Funnily, he almost got the same amount of votes from our pissweak Jerk of the Month polls as he did for an entire Senate election.

The least elected Australian Politician in history for making tax payers pay for his trip to Melbourne for the far-right rally that led to the Nazi salute making a brief comeback.

Perhaps he should have invoiced the 19 people who voted for him in the Senate election

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 8/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Speaking of weather events, bushfires ruined lives in September.

To think anyone would deliberately light them boggles the mind.

A monthly winner after fires in Queensland in September, and now a Jerk of the Year nomination.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 10/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

You’d think the bushfires weren’t enough for the people suffering, then you had a wide range of high profile people and politicians blaming each other at the height of the fires.

The lowlights of those buffoons are below…


For his comment that two people that died in a bushfire were probably Greens voters.


For using the bushfires to blame the government for them.


Claiming that firefighters will go home and abuse their partners after slaving away in the heat and fire putting other people’s property out of harms way.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 8/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Fair to say the shine or sheen has come off the Australian Prime Minister of late, the Hawaiian holiday certainly drummed up enough debate on his worth to the Australian people.

We’ll leave the debate of his holiday for the social keyboard warriors, but he certainly came across as quite the arrogant jerk in December. And his family holiday situation wouldn’t have been so bad if his office weren’t spending the first few days denying he was there.

Perhaps it is the true colours finally showing through after six months of back patting and attending sporting events in the six months after his surprise election win.

The latest monthly Jerk of the Month winner, just getting himself in the race for 2019 Jerk of the Year.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 8/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Following on from a Liberal PM is the next nomination – The Courier Mail. No coincidence. Much like their complete and utter bias towards Liberal and Nationals and against many other things, particularly the ABC.

Queensland being represented only by The Courier Mail means we miss out on yet another thing.

Federal funding for most things, Daylight Savings, decent infrastructure. And balanced views from the only paper in town.

The Courier Mail claims to be for Queensland, yet they are one of the state’s biggest embarrassments behind our renegade politicians.

Follow the #ThisIsNotJournalism tag on Twitter for what people really think. 

See also, pay TV stablemate Sky News Australia which is now the 24 Hour toilet for Australian TV.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 10/10




Especially Monthly Winners:

Reality TV Producers, Tara McWilliams, MKR & MAFS

Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

One form of terrible, awful media to another.

A big year for Reality TV, and the standard somehow got even lower this year.

Reality TV producers are nominated for wringing every bit of hate and tension out of these shows, and in some cases bullying. Just lovely.

MKR for it’s mostly awful people, who can’t boil rice without reaching for the tissues.

And MAFS for just having nothing but awful people.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating:  10/10





Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Because nothing ever justifies killing anyone, let alone multiple anyones.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 10/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Signed off a season of mediocrity in fine style by ruining the biggest game of the year.

Allowed trainers to be a blight on the game until one of them got in the way on Grand Final day.

Allowed refereeing to be so mediocre throughout the season, that the Grand Final was merely an extension of the regular season.

Couldn’t work out how to get three people to vote for best player.

Continue to play Grand Final at night.’

Hopeless application of judiciary throughout the season.

Hopeless administration in general.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 7/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Wimbledon? Check.

Bernard Tomic tank? Check.

They say “The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour”,

July 2020 Jerk of the Month win?. Check.

Although after the All England club fined him his entire “earnings”, and rejected his appeal with some savage commentary on his career, he may not get the chance to disappoint and embarrass himself next year.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 10/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

One Tennis jerk deserves another.

August there was a headline from The Australian reading “Spitting, swearing, abuse: Nick Kyrgios’ new tennis low” how could we not add Kyrgios’ name to those monthly Jerk of the Month nominations.

In June being the professional jerk that he is, he found time for a dummy spit in the Queens tournament in London last week, celebrating another early round loss by hurling his racquet out of the court.

May saw Good Ol’ Nick Kyrgios. 

When in Rome, he had an on court tantrum, eventually kicked out of the game for abuse to a chair among other things.

Then just before the French Open kicks off at Roland Garros he says the tournament absolutely sucks.

Then he pulls out before his first round clash anyway.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 10/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

For being the AFL’s Shining Jerk.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 8/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Sadly there were may incidents of racism within the game of football in 2019. Not that only Football, or every football fan is racist, just there were enough events throughout the year which we have rolled up into one super Jerk of the Year nomination.

Bulgaria – Although not all at the ground for the Bulgaria v England game were hateful jerks, there were more than a few who were. England did won 6-0, but debutant Tyrone Mings got the worst of it, and Bulgarian football certainly didn’t either as punishment.

England – There was plenty of high-horsery after the Bulgarian racist gear, so what better way to show you are better by being involved in some similar incidents the very next weekend. And there have been more incidents since from Non League to the Premier League, quickly proving they are at minimum no better than any other abusive fans.

Italy – More crowd abuse towards players, but problems go deeper than the fans in Italy. One Italian sporting newspaper decided that a Friday night game featuring recent arrivals from the EPL – Chris Smalling and Romelu Lukaku and their the teams of these high profile recruits needed a big picture of the two players and a headline of “Black Friday”.  Then the paper doubled down and justifying their picture and overall stance on racism in Italian Football

Further to the above, the people that run the Italian Football decided to try and quell the recent racism by getting an artist to do something involving monkeys.

Maybe it is simply a poor idea, badly executed. Or they are just jerks. We’ll let you decide.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 9/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

For confirming the occasional hypocrisy of religion by being found guilty of  of child sexual abuse after his trial in Melbourne.

Was once a big man on campus in the Vatican, now simply in the can. And can look forward to many types of sermons inside. 

He might even find the Body of Christ a few times.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 9/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Standard post Origin series nomination for making us sit through their coverage. Which they will receive until someone else gets the broadcast right or live simulcast is allowed on Fox League.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 9/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

No longer on Channel Nein, as they lost cricket rights thank christ, but still annoying us through the summer/s.

Every time a major cricket tournament or tour comes along Shane Warne gets way too much airtime.

And it is boring when everyone is wrong and he’s right. We get it, you should have been an Australian captain. We get it, you only scored 99. We get it, you’re the best and everyone else sucks.

He’s like the Cricketing world’s equivalent of The Wire’s McNulty.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 4/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

Bali is like the Gold Coast in Indonesia, and both can be awful places because of jerks. Most of them drunk, arrogant tourists.

People usually take the piss in both, but an Australian man went over and above in his international relations during August.

Fly kicks for passing motorists and punches a plenty was just part of his stunning routine.

He can’t remember it apparently, so won’t recall why you can vote for him for August 2019 Jerk of the Month.

Then there’s the NRL players involved in Bali incidents. Although in fairness, their poor behaviour is not usually limited to Bali.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 1/10




Why nominated for the 2019 Jerk of the Year?

For burning an entire city.

Jerk-O-Meter Rating: 1/10






Here’s this months winner so far.

All go into the end of season Jerk of the Year draw.

November 2019 – Israel Folau

October 2019 – NRL & Reality TV Producers

September 2019 – Idiots who light Bushfires

August 2019 – Alan Jones

July 2019 – Bernard Tomic

June 2019 – Israel Folau

May 2019 – Nick Kyrgios

April 2019 – Fraser Anning & Foxtel

March 2019 – Fraser Anning & Christchurch Shooter

February 2019 – MKR & Tara McWilliams

January 2019 – Tennis Jerks, Fox Cricket, Channel Seven





2018 – David Warner and Donald Trump

2017 – Jarryd Hayne, Donald Trump, Bernard Tomic

2016 – Channel 9 Cricket Commentary

Kaaps Loche
Kaaps doesn’t sleep much, and has a 60inch full HD TV and Foxtel, therefore watches more television than most. is also very strange and has a slightly different outlook on life, so comes up with a lot of rubbish that he thinks is funny and usually isn’t. Out of sympathy, we publish his stuff from time to time. So prepare your sympathy laughs and put that lovely drawing on the fridge for Kaaps.

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