March 13, 2025, 3:01 am

NOMINATIONS | February 2019 Jerk of the Month

A month comes around so quickly and so does another fresh batch O jerks and the February 2019 Jerk of the Month nominations.

Of course there’s the now standing nomination for the POTUS, a man who jerks like no other.

There’s a nice, wide mix of nominations for February. Some new, some recurring at the same time every year. Our form guide for the February 2019 Jerk of the Month is below for your consideration.

Who’s the biggest jerk for the month? It is up to you, the reader of this website to choose one or many of the people and things up for February 2019 Jerk of the Month nominations.


FORM GUIDE – February 2019 Jerk of the Month


Why nominated for the Jerk?

After ending the US Shutdown by making a deal with the Democrats that made him look weak, he rebounded with declaring an emergency to get his money.

Much like he kid who has thrown the toys out of the pram when they don’t get what they want. 

The end result will be a wall that is useless, doesn’t stop anything that Trump is promising, and has wasted billions of dollars.’

If the US had an Australian political setup, he would have been replaced as leader at least three times by now.

Jerk Rating: 10/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

For his stupid ads and billboards.

For attempting to run for parliament again.

For his conspiracy theory about a Chinese invasion via a remote WA airfield. For which we provided six more equally stupid ideas.

For being him.

Jerk Rating: 8/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

For taking his potential dethroning of his Warringah electorate in a blaze of jerk.

Hopefully 2019 will be the last of him we’ll see as a politician before he moves onto the increasingly awful and unwatchable Sky News Channel.

Enough of the politics now, on to some other categories of jerk.

Jerk Rating: 9/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

There’s plenty of banter between rival sets of fans in any UK Football match,  most of it is great, and a reason English Football attracts the biggest dollars.

But some people take it too far, those who made aeroplane signs towards Cardiff fans are jerks of the highest order. 

Most fans of most clubs paid their respects during the first weekend after the missing body of Sala was confirmed as being on a plane in the bottom of the sea. A few jerks didn’t and made aeroplane gestures towards Cardiff fans.

Police took the people in but released them as you sadly can’t arrest people for being a jerk. Yet.

Jerk Rating: 8/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

As awful as a show can get, even for reality TV, with Channel Nein assembling the biggest bunch of awful, self-centred, over opinionated, awful twits since the modern Channel Nein cricket team.

We have already moaned about that MAFS claims to be a social experiment. 

And it hasn’t got better.

One wonders what will do for content once it’s finished.

One doesn’t wonder about Channel Nein’s ability to produce rubbish.

Jerk Rating: 9/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

The brains behind MAFS. And other similarly bad programming.

Jerk Rating: 10/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

Whilst not as bad as MAFS, it is still bad, full of jerks who have probably been told by producers to act as big of a —- for ratings.

Home schooled morons talking sh!t, people who have never met talking sh!t, chefs talking sh!t, people eating sh!t.

It’s all sh!t. And remember the mission statement of the show – Cook, Cry, Repeat.

A previous Monthly Jerk winner in 2018.

Jerk Rating: 8/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

As ever Insurance companies are fine with taking an annual premium, but less so when there has been a natural disaster and you actually need the support.

Cue the predictable knocking back or reduction of claims for those affected by the Townsville flooding.

Insurance companies who do the above are so low that they would need a parachute to fall out of a snake’s arse.

Jerk Rating: 9/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

Whilst you can’t paint all rugby league players with the same brush, you can certainly group all the buffoons who have broken or stretched the law since the NRL stopped last October.

Ranging from alcoholic buffoonery to jailable offences, they have kept the NRL bosses busy and deserve to be recognised as potential Jerk of the Month recipients.

Jerk Rating: 5/10



Why nominated for the Jerk?

Justin “Jussie” Smollett would be a name that very few people around the world would have known before he was involved in a shocking hate crime.

Correction: it was not a hate crime, but a staged attack to boost his future career earnings.

At last, he could add a Jerk of the Month trophy to his CV.

Jerk Rating: 8/10



VOTE NOW – February 2019 Jerk of the Month

Vote for as many of the this month’s Jerk nominations as you like. They’ve asked for it.



Kaaps Loche
Kaaps doesn’t sleep much, and has a 60inch full HD TV and Foxtel, therefore watches more television than most. is also very strange and has a slightly different outlook on life, so comes up with a lot of rubbish that he thinks is funny and usually isn’t. Out of sympathy, we publish his stuff from time to time. So prepare your sympathy laughs and put that lovely drawing on the fridge for Kaaps.

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