The reader s have spoken, and for the first time in our monthly Jerk of the Month poll we have two winners, so hearty congratulations to former PM Tony Abbott and former ACA turd Ben McCormack.
They somehow beat perennial Jerk Donald Trump, who made a late play for the monthly award by going to Twitter again to annoy Puerto Rico.
Serial cheap shot merchant Barry Hall polled strongly, and Cocaine Cassie failed our readers bullshit detector with some votes. Sometimes a field is so strong that it is a shame that only one winner is named, thankfully this month there was “same love” for both Tony Abbott and Ben McCormack.
In our opinion one of the worst aspects of the Same Sex Plebiscite has been that the former PM has worked his way back into the headlines somehow and his smug mug is on the news most nights, especially after his thoughts on the NRL Grand Final entertainment. A punter in Tasmania gave him a quick exit poll by headbutting on the street. Our readers have delivered another strong showing in the polls by handing him a Jerk of the Month win for September.
The other joint winner of Jerk of the Month is Ben McCormack, the ACA reporter who pleaded guilty to child pornography charges in the past month. Now his nomination for Jerk of the Month could have been done on the fact that he is involved in ACA alone, due to that show’s billing as the worst TV Show in Australia, but his declarations of being a “proud ped” and “proud b(oy) lover” sealed the deal for our readers this month with a joint win of Jerk of the Month.
Both winners will go into the end of year vote, and with only October and November monthly polls left to get a Jerk nominated, there’s not many opportunities left to win the big annual prize.
If you wish to nominate someone for Jerk of the Month for October, then feel free to get in touch via email at
Check the results from September’s poll.