March 15, 2025, 3:47 am

Who does a Neutral support for the 2017 AFL Grand Final?

Good enough for the NRL, good enough for the AFL, so we answer the question on who a neutral should support for the 2017 AFL Grand Final.

Given a lot of our regular readers are Queensland based rugby league fans, the level of apathy for the 2017 AFL Grand Final may be higher than the NRL Grand Final and as such may be more in need of our quiz to determine. It may be equal for NSW based sports lovers who don’t have a team to support in either competition.

A Grand Final is great for the 2 lucky supporters who have made it hat far, and hard to not be pleased for both Richmond and Adelaide Crows fans, but what do the other 16 groups of supporters do?

Do they support a side because through traditional supporting lines or a disliked in-law support says they should support the other side, or do you they support a team that has a player that used to play for your team, or do you simply give up and declare you don’t care and put your faith in our quiz on who a neutral should support for the 2017 AFL Grand Final.

Maybe you know bugger all about AFL and just want to pick a team to bet on, drink to, or cheer at on Saturday afternoon at the function you are attending.

We done it before, but far less elegantly with a Neutral’s Guide to previous AFL Grand Finals.

2016 AFL Grand Final for Neutrals.

2015 AFL Grand Final for Neutrals.

Either way, we have all the potential outcomes below in a quick quiz to help you, as a 2017 AFL Grand Final neutral, who to follow in this weekend’s big game.



Time to decide who you should support as a neutral for the 2017 NRL Grand Final.

Take our quick quiz and let the computer do all your thinking.


Kaaps Loche
Kaaps doesn’t sleep much, and has a 60inch full HD TV and Foxtel, therefore watches more television than most. is also very strange and has a slightly different outlook on life, so comes up with a lot of rubbish that he thinks is funny and usually isn’t. Out of sympathy, we publish his stuff from time to time. So prepare your sympathy laughs and put that lovely drawing on the fridge for Kaaps.

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