March 11, 2025, 4:51 am

Best of Roy and HG Sporting Probe 18th February

Welcome to the Best of Roy and HG Sporting Probe 18th February.

For those who aren’t in the know or forgot about Roy and HG’s return to Triple M, they have now been back for a while now, and it’s been all gold.

We are big fans here at The Gurgler. Some would say we are a poor poor man’s version of them, we say Up Yours.

But we are hoping those who have missed their best will catch up with our favourite bits and pieces below. We’ll only give a taste though, the best podcast on Australian radio awaits.

Want to find out the whole story, check in with their Triple M site.

  • Mundine v Green Boxing Judges to blame for the Jeff Horn fight possibly going to Dubai
  • AFL Declares War on Congestion
  • Roy and HG suggest the solution is having all but the two involved on the boundary line when the ball is thrown.
  • Using AFL to decide lotto results
  • T20 Patrons must produce a ticket form attending a Test Match from the past 18 months to get in.
  • A singles-nude area available only at Test Cricket venues.
  • Valentine’s Day Test Match
  • Former Aussie Cyclist now Russian Spy on wheels stealing our best young cyclists to ride for Putin

There’s more gold, so why not get onto the podcast.



Max Layne
Max has no time for long bios, he has only time for sport and then more sport. Each week he tries to sum up what sport has tickled the collective fancy of The Gurgler.

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