Welcome to our weekly review/preview of sport in general. The football nerds get their turn later in the week, but now it’s time to cover the rest of the sporting landscape. A bit harder in summer with just Cricket and A League for company, but if anyone can turn nothing into even less it’s us.
That and the best sporting multi money can buy or spend.
The Gurgler loves professional darts. There’s just something about a sport that the only welcome 6 pack of the athlete comes in a can form. Then there’s the fans. Nowhere else can you get as dressed up as Darts fans. Many a Wally is to be found, along with Oomplaloompas, various Disney movie characters, and superhero after superhero.
Surprising that in a country that perfected the art of rioting and fighting at sporting events that the darts in the UK have gone off relatively safely. Australia stepped up to the plate and had a chair and table throwing competition in Melbourne over the weekend. The word riot was used, but it was well shy of the best sporting riots of history. The real loser was Coates Hire who have a few hundred less chairs to rent out.
Now, there’s many things you shouldn’t laugh at…like Old People falling over, People who drop 4 beers at the cricket one seat away from their own, and the Us version of The Office. But how can you not laugh at the sight of Oompaloompas, Robins, Minnions, and various other dress ups being reported on news worldwide as the culprits of chair and table throwing, and punch ups and wrestling on the ground. You get a taste from the video below. Kudos to the dedication of the man in front, who continued the official Darts dance through the mayhem.
Just a quick bitch that Brad Hogg was left out of the World Cup squad in place of Xavier Doherty. As demanded by Dr Sportz in his weekly article here, Hogg showed enough in his only two games of T20 thus far to warrant and demand selection.
Surely if we can pick a Clarke who is barely fit, and Maxwell who is barely in form, there was room for GBH, especially given that Doherty is the spinning option.
Fancy that, two games in and 8 goals for the Asian Cup hosts. Playing as good as in the World Cup, but the weaker opposition allows us to shine a little more.
Also good is that we have scored multiple goals and not just Tim Cahill multiple goals. The squad has looked impressive thus far, but we will see if there is a choke or two in the side when they face South Korea on Saturday.
A win and topping the group should us up nicely to battle new old foe Japan for the Cup again.
The Gurgler was lucky to attend the Uzbekistan v China game on Wednesday night. For a game hosting such football powerhouses, the atmosphere was befitting the clash of such titans.
Uzbekistan held off some early China attacking to score a lucky deflected goal and lead 1-0 much to the delights of the 50 odd drum banging Uzbeks. One such gent attempted in vain to start a wave or two.
However as the Stans looked to be playing for the draw it looked inevitable that it would be a draw at best, as China looked far the better side. The White Wolves of Uzbekistan forgot one of the major parts of winning a game is scoring goals and that having the occasional shot will create a better chance of winning the game.
China had no such problem and two second half goals gave the team a deserved 2-1 win, and a reasonable percentage of the 13 and a half thousand of the fans a spring in their on the way home.
For The Gurgler, their two month love story with Uzbekistan football is now over. Back to the Socceroos.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs
Are this year’s Brisbane Heat T20 side the most disappointing side since the North Qld Fury A League side?
How good was Fast 4 Tennis? We’ll let Dr Sportz speak on that.
Now for the biggest and best Sports Multi that money can buy. Couldn’t you go one?
CRICKET ODI – ENGLAND to beat Australia
ASIAN CUP – Japan to beat Iraq
ASIAN CUP – DRAW – Australia v South Korea
ASIAN CUP – CHINA to beat North Korea
T20 – MELBOURNE STARS to beat Sydney Thunder
T20 – ADLEAIDE to beat Melb Renegade
NFL – SEATTLE to beat Green Day and Green Bay
NFL – NEW ENGLAND to beat Indianapolis