Looking for a last minute Xmas gift?
Let the Ye Older Gurgler Shoppe help you out with some ideas.
Why not relive the best of last year and yesteryear with the All New Gurgler Calendar 2015.
Each month brings a new surprise and a handy reminder to perform those mundine chores.
Only $12.95 – get yours today.
Look for more at Ye Older Gurgler Shoppe page.
Whilst Doboy was the exception to most all stops services up until the 1990’s, we’d like to think it was the only stop for The Gurgler.
FEB – JACQUI LAMBIE – A crap fantale for Politics in waiting.
MAR – PIERLUIGI MARTINI – underrated, obscure and forgotten, just the way we like it. Celebrate the start of the F1 season in Melbourne with our favourite ex F1 ace.
Footy seasons now into full swings, and no one swings and moves like The Gurgler’s favourite sporting team – the PNG Hunters.
MAY – PEDRO CHAVES – even more obscure is Pedro Chaves. Whilst never qualified or even pre-qualified, he certainly did for our Calendar. Brought to you by Pedro Chaves Motors.
JUNE – ANTONY GREEN – with a Qld state election due no later than June 2014, he’ll the man the nation looks to for lyne-ball, bell-weather and swinging.
JULY – M.A.JIMINEZ – Time for British Open, time for the Mechanic.
AUGUST- PETER RUSSELL CLARKE – celebrate International Cheese Month with the master.
SEP – CHEP – the blue symbol of quality and alleyway abandonment the world over.
OCT – Get your tax in now, or deal with Robert Gottliebsen.
NOV- TECHNOTRONIC – The Beat was, is, and always will be Technotronic
DEC – BAD SANTA – Ho ho hum from the grumpiest, drinkiest Santa of them all.
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