From Perry Thrust.
After a recent power outage in my apartment building, I’ve realised that my emergency procedure
for this situation is inadequate. More importantly, I’ve identified a key flaw in the standard flashlight
design: It might have well been invisible, because I couldn’t find it in the dark.
All flashlights should have a glow in the dark coating, or at least have glow strips supplied with the
purchase, that would be applied to the device by the user.
Sure, I could have purchased a flashlight that wasn’t painted black. I could have kept it in an easily
accessible location near the entry of my home, so that I didn’t have to scour my apartment like an
animal, relying on the poor illumination from my phone screen as I dug through drawers. But why
should I have to?
I lay the most of the blame squarely at the foot of the Australian Government. For too long the fat
cats in Canberra have ignored this important safety issue, leaving you and your children in mild
danger. How many toes will continue to be stubbed until this is addressed? That blood is on their
What’s needed is strong legislation. Big Flashlight doesn’t care, extra safety measures only cut into
their bottom line. They need these changes forced upon them, and that needs to happen now.