March 10, 2025, 4:12 pm

Clancy Overell + Errol Parker @ Betoota Advocate – Person of the Year Nom #4

News in general and websites are usually a waste of time but Australia’s oldest newspaper – The Betoota Advocate – is certainly not one of those.

While others hide behind paywalls, or have content that is unreadable, or both in the case of a News Limited newspaper, the Betoota Advocate always provides all the news you need.

Their content is up to the minute, and usually highly entertaining. Although more entertaining when a stranger thinks the news is real and goes on keyboard crusade.

The editors Clancy Overell and Errol Parker supply absolute gold, every day from a variety of subjects.

It could be big news on the US Election, or bits and pieces of the fallout of Michael Clarke’s biography.

In between there’s excellent material on the every day happenings of Australians everywhere. So many are too funny to share. If we had to name one we wouldn’t, we’d name them all.

The Betoota Advocate consistently delivers news and many a laugh every day, and is of a quality that all here at The Gurgler aspire to.

In a world where news websites in Australia and the world seem hellbent on reporting anything that the awful Kardashians do, regurgitate news stories from around the world, or have a thinly veiled sponsored content article full of rubbish, it is refreshing there’s still some out there delivering news that Australians want. And need.

And who else were involved in the infamous Bob Katter shooting rival politicians video during the election campaign than the gents from the Betoota Advocate. In case you didn’t know, the two people shot in the infamous video were from the Betoota Advocate.

We feel that their contribution to the Gurgler’s 2016 is thoroughly deserving of a Person of the Year nomination. Many a slow work day or boring train ride has been enhanced by a visit to the Betoota Advocate.

They have a book out just in time for Christmas – so why not order one today. Why not have a permanent reminder of their gold. The big fella in the red suit will hopefully have a copy or two coming our way.

So we congratulate Clancy Overall + Errol Parker from the Betoota Advocate on their outstanding work for the year. With hopes for a win at the Walkley awards.

They thoroughly deserve our fourth nomination for Person of the Year.

Just two more nominations to go, and then voting opens to the public.



Loudy Wiggins – Forgotten Olympic Champion

Charles Strunk – Local Councillor and Champion of the people

Adebayo Akinfenwa – English Footballer and Champion of the Bench Press



Kaaps Loche
Kaaps doesn’t sleep much, and has a 60inch full HD TV and Foxtel, therefore watches more television than most. is also very strange and has a slightly different outlook on life, so comes up with a lot of rubbish that he thinks is funny and usually isn’t. Out of sympathy, we publish his stuff from time to time. So prepare your sympathy laughs and put that lovely drawing on the fridge for Kaaps.

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